Good News for New Jersey Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19: An Overview of the NJEDA Grant and Loan Program
Relief to New Jersey small and mid-sized businesses was announced on March 26 by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (“NJEDA”). If this $75 million package of initiatives is followed by additional State, Federal, and philanthropic sources, it is expected to grow to more than $100 million. In this session, we will discuss what the following approved programs mean to small businesses.
Nicholas F. Talvacchia, Esq., Partner, Cooper Levenson, Attorneys at Law
Jennifer B. Barr, Esq., Cooper Levenson, Attorneys at Law
Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program
Small Business Emergency Assistance Loan Program
Community Development Finance Institution (CDFI) Emergency Loan Loss Reserve Fund
CDFI Emergency Assistance Grant Program, including
- UCEDC (United Counties Development Corp;)
- GNEC (Greater Newark Enterprise Corp.)
- RBAC (Regional Business Assistance Corp.)
- NJCLF (New Jersey Community Loan Fund)
- CBAC (Cooperative Business Assistance Corp.)
Small Business Emergency Assistance Guarantee Program
Emergency Technical Assistance Program
US Small Business Administration (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs)
The federal coronavirus stimulus package
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Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 1, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Wednesday, April 1 at 11 AM
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