Policy Impact Series: Sen. Polistina, Asw. Swift, and Asm. Guardian
Join us for a dynamic Public Policy Roundtable session featuring New Jersey State Senator Vince Polistina, Assemblywoman Claire Swift, and Assemblyman Don Guardian from Legislative District 2. These key legislators and Greater Atlantic City Chamber, New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA), and New Jersey Chamber of Commerce (NJCC) representatives will lead a thoughtful discussion on the regulatory landscape and its impact on local commerce. This forum provides a unique opportunity to engage directly with your state representatives, share your concerns, and contribute to shaping future policy decisions. Attendees will gain valuable insights into upcoming legislative initiatives and have the chance to voice their perspectives on policies crucial to our region's economic growth and prosperity.
To facilitate meaningful dialogue and ensure an intimate roundtable discussion environment, attendance for this event is limited. This format allows for more direct engagement with our legislative leaders and deeper conversations about issues affecting our business community.
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Registration fees are non-refundable. Registrations may be transferred to another individual with written notice at least one week before the event.
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Please note that Greater Atlantic City Chamber events are recorded through photography and video. By attending our events, you grant the Chamber unrestricted rights to use any photographs or videos captured during the event. This includes using your image in our publications, promotional materials, television broadcasts, websites, social media platforms, and other media materials produced or contracted by the Chamber. No additional permission will be sought, and no compensation will be provided for the use of these images or recordings. While we strive to be sensitive to privacy concerns, participation in our events constitutes acceptance of these terms.
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Event Policies
By registering for this event, you agree to the Greater Atlantic City Chamber's Event Policies. View complete policies.
Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Networking and Registration
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM: Legislative Discussion
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Wrap-up and Additional Networking
Seaview, A Dolce Hotel
401 South New York Road
Galloway, New Jersey 08205
$45 for members
$65 for non-members
Event Sponsorships Starting at $750
Contact Information
Debbie Walker, Executive Assistant
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