American Cancer Society Bike-A-Thon
Riding a bike can be a solitary sport - just you and the open road. But when you ride Bike-A-Thon, you make your miles more meaningful and join a community of athletes who are on a journey with you to end cancer. Whether you ride to honor a loved one or in memory of someone you have lost, you ride for them and with them each and every mile. For over 50 years, our Bike-A-Thon: Bridge to the Beach community has been riding for a world without cancer. That’s over 50 years of more lives saved, more breakthroughs, and more hope. But we’re not finished – the journey continues June 2, 2024. As long as there are still more cancer patients who need us, more treatment options to be found, more hope to give, we will ride, together. Join us.

Date and Time
Sunday Jun 2, 2024
6:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
June 2, 2024.
$125 registration fee, $200 fundraising minimum. Fundraising minimum separate from registration fee.
Contact Information
Darwisa Strabuk
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